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الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2020

Components Automotive Air Conditioning evaporator

 Components Automotive Air Conditioning evaporator  



Serpentine evaporator


R134a enters the evaporator coil as a cold

low-pressure liquid. As this liquid passes

through the evaporator coil, heat moves from

the warm air blowing across the evaporator

fins into cooler refrigerant. This air that has

now been cooled is then ducted into the

cabin via the blower motor.

When there is enough heat to cause a

change of state, a large amount of the heat

moves from the air to the refrigerant. This

causes the refrigerant to change from a lowpressure

cold liquid into a cold vapor. (Latent

heat of evaporation).

As the warmer air blows across the

evaporator fins, moisture contained in that air

(humidity) will condense on the cooler

evaporator fins. Condensed moisture then

runs off through the drain tubes located at the

underside of the evaporator case.


Same design as the serpentine

condenser but approximately five times



Plate & Fin Laminated Evaporators

Similar operation to the parallel flow condenser were the refrigerant has a multi flow pass

creating a large surface area.

Plate & Fin Laminated Evaporator 

( Recommended for R134a)



R134a - R12 Comparison

Most manufacturers prefer to use the plate and fin design for R134a because of 20%

performance increase over the serpentine design.

 by kandi younes

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